NDIS Business and Marketing Toolkit

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NDIS Business and Marketing Toolkit

It is a hard, commercial truth that financial viability must always be a high priority for organisations, for without the financial capacity to operate you will not have the ability to continue delivering services “There is no mission without margin.”

The NDIS Business and Marketing Toolkit provides a number of guides to support your organisation to review and complete the Business Model Canvas - this work covers nine building blocks connecting Client and Community Engagement and Operations.


The NDIS Business and Marketing Toolkit supports completion of a Business Model Canvas which incorporates nine organisational building blocks:

Client Segments

In-depth analysis (Knowledge) of your potential client base in the context of the NDIS. Grouped into sets of clients that have similar needs or similar characteristics.

Who are your most important current and potential clients? What do they need or want? How do they think and feel? What do they do?

Value Proposition

Potential clients can quickly understand what you offer (delivery method, price, quality). Create a strong differential between you and your competitors.

What problems do we solve for our clients? What needs do we satisfy? Why do clients use our services and not our competitors? What is unique about what we provide?

Client Relationships

Develop cost effective and efficient service delivery models to reach target clients.

What relationships and service delivery models do our clients expect us to establish and maintain with them? How do we interact with potential clients throughout their journey?

Client Channels

Know the “Channels” through which target client groups want to be reached.

Which channels can we reach our clients through and what strategy should we deploy? How do we effectively promote, sell and deliver our value proposition? Which channels work best for each client segment? How do we communicate with beneficiaries and funders?


Identify the price necessary to achieve a sustainable operation by recovering the comprehensive cost of service delivery.

What is the price necessary to achieve a sustainable operation? What activities are funded and unfunded. What is the target and actual price differential? How much does each revenue stream contribute to the overall total?

Key Resources

Determine key resources required to deliver your organisations value propositions and what activities are needed to sustain operations.

What key resources do you require to provide your value proposition? What resources are most important for effective service delivery, channels, client relationships, and developing revenue streams?

Key Activities

Determine key activities required to deliver organisations value propositions and what activities are needed to sustain operations.

What unique activities does the organisation need to do to deliver its value proposition? What activities are most important for effective service delivery, channels, client relationships, and developing revenue streams?


Identify key partners essential to achieving broad impact and optimum outcomes for target client segments.

Who are your key partners and suppliers? Who will help you and why? What activities can be outsourced so your business can focus on core activities? What activities require partnerships to reach remote beneficiaries.


Understand the true comprehensive cost of service delivery to inform  sustainably derived target price.

What are the major cost drivers for our operation and how are they linked to revenue and delivery of our value proposition? Which key resources and activities are most expensive? Are costs fixed or variable? What is the true comprehensive cost of service delivery?

Under each of these headings the toolkit provides a number of How To's to guide you.

Where to start

On the How To home page - click on Category, and select NDIS Business and Marketing Toolkit. This will show you all the How To's relating to this model.

Then click on How to develop a business model. This gives an overview of the Business Model Canvas approach, lists each building block and has links to the supporting How To's.


We would love to hear what you think of the toolkit.

Please contact us to let us know what you think and if there are any How To resources you'd like to see on offer.