The TasCOSS Tool Box
- All services
- Alcohol, Tobacco and other drug services
- Children's services
- Community health services
- Consumer advocacy services
- Disability services
- Employment services
- Family services
- Financial wellbeing services
- Health promotion
- Housing and homelessness
- Mental health services
- Older peoples’ services
- Peak bodies
In this tool box are some sources of off-the-shelf outcomes monitoring tools. Just beware – there are many different tools out there! A recent review of Australian Department of Social Services-funded organisations found that over 200 assessment tools were in use in just one funding program in one state. But as we know, different tools suit different work in different settings. TasCOSS is working on developing mechanisms for Tasmanian organisations to share their experiences of different tools – what has worked well, and what hasn’t.
Make sure you are clear about the conditions of use of these tools. These may include requirements to acknowledge copyright or pay licence fees.
The tool boxes listed below have all been reviewed and sorted into relevance for the following service types.
- All services
- Alcohol, tobacco and other drug services
- Children’s services
- Community health services
- Consumer advocacy services
- Disability services, including independent living, personal and social support services
- Employment services
- Family services
- Financial wellbeing services
- Health promotion services
- Housing and homelessness services
- Mental health services
- Older peoples’ services, including independent living services
- Peak bodies
Note: These websites were all live at the time of publication.
All services |
Toolkits: a practical guide to planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment |
Save the Children’s toolkit is intended for development programs but it contains tools which can be used in other settings. |
Tools for you: approaches to proving and improving for charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprise |
Produced by the UK’s New Economics Foundation and the Charities Evaluation Services, this guide includes a range of social and environmental impact tools, quality systems and tools, and tools for business and social outcomes planning. It also includes tools for measuring social return on investments, and volunteering impact assessments. | |
The alignment index: an innovative tool for collective impact projects |
Developed by Organizational Research Services and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to measure the alignment of organisations working toward a common impact. |
Alcohol, Tobacco and other drug services |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services, including one for clients of alcohol, tobacco and other drug services. |
Survey/Scales |
Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services has an online library of health promotion and injury prevention scales focusing on substance abuse, sexual attitudes and safe sex practices, adolescents, mental health and health assessments |
Tools |
UK National Health Service tool bank. It has a range of interactive tools including downloads, widgets, smartphone apps and podcasts. | |
Children's services |
Developmental screening and assessment instruments |
A list of tools to use in working with children and families. It has an emphasis on assessments of the social and emotional development of children from birth to age 5. |
Fast Track data instruments |
A library of tools put together by the Fast Track Project (USA) that focus on child development, family relationships, and school-home relationships. |
FRIENDS National Centre for Community Based Child Abuse Prevention |
A library of measurement tools for work with children, adolescents and families. | |
Community health services |
Tools |
UK National Health Service tool bank. It has a range of interactive tools including downloads, widgets, smartphone apps and podcasts. | |
Consumer advocacy services |
Advocacy & policy change evaluation: a primer |
A list of tools which can be used to measure advocacy work. It was developed for a US charitable foundation. | |
A guide to measuring advocacy and policy |
This is mainly an evaluation guide but it does contain some practical tips on measuring outcomes of advocacy and policy work. | |
Pathways for change: 10 theories to inform advocacy and policy change efforts |
Published by the Centre for Evaluation Innovation to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts. | |
Toolkits: a practical guide to planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment |
Save the Children’s toolkit is intended for development programs but it contains tools which can be used in other settings. |
Disability services |
Identifying learning and support needs: a digest of assessment tools |
Commissioned by the Scottish Executive, it lists tools for identifying learning and support needs and includes some for measuring changes in these. |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services, including one for services working with people with intellectual disabilities and services supporting people to live independently. |
Employment services |
Identifying learning and support needs: a digest of assessment tools |
Commissioned by the Scottish Executive, it lists tools for identifying learning and support needs and includes some for measuring changes in these. |
Family services |
Developmental screening and assessment instruments |
A list of tools to use in working with children and families. It has an emphasis on assessments of the social and emotional development of children from birth to age 5. | |
Fast Track data instruments |
A library of tools put together by the Fast Track Project (USA) that focus on child development, family relationships, and school-home relationships. |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services, including family support services. |
Financial wellbeing services |
MAP Tool |
Toynbee Hall, a UK charity, has developed a shared financial wellbeing measurement tool. Useful for services offering financial counselling or microcredit. | |
Health promotion |
Mental health improvement: evidence and practice
Guide 5: Selecting scales to assess mental wellbeing in adults |
A guide produced by Health Scotland. Contains information on 50 tools to measure mental wellbeing in adults. | |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services, including sexual health. |
Survey/Scales |
Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services has an online library of health promotion and injury prevention scales focusing on substance abuse, sexual attitudes and safe sex practices, adolescents, mental health and health assessments |
Tools |
UK’s National Health Service tool bank. It has a range of interactive tools including downloads, widgets, smartphone apps and podcasts. | |
Housing and homelessness |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting, in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services, including homelessness services. |
Mental health services |
Mental health improvement: evidence and practice
Guide 5: Selecting scales to assess mental wellbeing in adults |
A guide produced by Health Scotland. Contains information on 50 tools used to measure mental wellbeing in adults. | |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services including the Recovery Star for mental health services. |
Survey/Scales |
Center for HIV Identification, Prevention and Treatment Services has an online library of health promotion and injury prevention scales focusing on substance abuse, sexual attitudes and safe sex practices, adolescents, mental health and health assessments |
Older peoples’ services |
Outcomes Star |
This is a set of tools developed by Triangle Consulting in the UK. There are 20 versions of the star developed for different client groups and services including older peoples’, independent living and carers’ stars. |
Peak bodies |
Advocacy & Policy Change Evaluation: A Primer |
Developed for a US charitable foundation, this lists a number of tools which can be used to measure advocacy work. | |
A guide to measuring advocacy and policy |
An evaluation guide which contains some practical tips on measuring outcomes of advocacy and policy work. | |
Pathways for change: 6 theories about how policy change happens |
Published by the Centre for Evaluation Innovation to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts. |
Pathways for change: 10 theories to inform advocacy and policy change efforts |
Published by the Centre for Evaluation Innovation to evaluate advocacy and policy change efforts. | |